love your feet | live your life

For Ruthie Davis, shoe obsession started at the tender age of two when she tried on her first pair of red patent leather Mary Janes. Ruthie fell so fast and hard in love with the shoes that when the salesman went to take them off, he was confronted with the fierce glare of a baby fashionista. Little Ruthie wore the shoes out of the store and according to her mother, insisted on wearing them to bed that night.

Ruthie's love-affair with shoes has, over time, transformed into an uncompromising obsession with producing some of the most provocative footwear in the world. In 2006, Davis introduced her own brand of handcrafted Italian-made shoes. The collection is a high-style/high tech merging of the designer's personal style - referencing architecture, modernism, and future technology with a lifelong love for 1960s Italian cinema and the larger than life heroines of childhood comic books. Her shoes are innovative in form, function and materials and always radiate a sexy elegance.