drake | over


Some of you might of understood the message behind Drake’s new video while others didn’t; but that’s okay. In the interview with MTV below, Drake explains that the “Over” video shows struggle between his past life and this new life. The video also shows Drake torn between a wholesome beauty and a seductive dancer. Basically, Drake’s life is moving so fast, even he can’t keep up (ie: the rapid rotating images reflecting in the room).

The clip starts off with Drake, dressed in white, sitting in a room on a bed, reflecting on his life these days. Images of explosions and time-lapsed cityscapes are projected on him and the wall of the room. From there, he launches into a heavy performance.

“This is my first video,” Drake said on the set of “Over” in early March, though he’s made clips for “Successful,” “Best I Ever Had” and some of his guest stints. “I’ve shot a lot of videos before, but this is my first attempt to establish myself as Drake the artist. Shooting the other videos I’ve done has been great. I really don’t care what other people think about them, they were great experiences for me. I’ve learned a lot from them. Today, I’m shooting with somebody I really look up to and respect. I’m shooting with Anthony Mandler.

“We talked colors, we talked epic, emotion-evoking visuals,” he added. “The story is actually interesting. The song is so aggressive, and it’s sort of a love story in the video. It has a lot to do with the album [Thank Me Later]. The album is about finding love, feeling, ‘Have I sold my soul?’ as far as, ‘Will I ever be able to gain the trust of a woman? Will I only be able to be around the dark, evil women? Will I ever find that pure love?’ Those elements are in the video. I look strong, I feel great, my knee’s feeling great. I’m jumping around, doing all kinds of stuff.”

Toward the end of the video, it looks like Drake has to choose between two beautiful women. One, played by Roc Nation singer Rita Ora, appears to be a more wholesome girl, while the other lady looks more dangerous as she dances provocatively in the background.

“It takes the song to another place,” Drake said of the video last week on the opening night of his Away From Home Tour. “It offers up a whole different look for the song. The song — to a lot of people — is ignorant, it’s club. This video is what I was really thinking about. The song is like a bad dream — but it’s not a bad dream, it’s not a terrible dream. It’s a little evil. The video really reflects that. It’s a struggle between the purities of my past life and what this new life has to offer. Even in the video, you see me looking back and forth between the two and deciding. At the end of the video I don’t necessarily make a decision, but when you get the album, you’ll see what choice I make.”